Best Price Guarantee
We offer you the best possible price!


From application to recruitment

Once you have sent us your application documents, the relevant specialist department will make a pre-selection.

If there are any questions or uncertainties regarding your application, we will contact you by telephone.

We will arrange a personal meeting to get to know you - this will take place at Marina Lachen. If you are abroad and a personal meeting is not possible due to the distance:

  • An initial meeting can also be arranged via video call
  • There is also the option of arranging an initial interview together with a trial day - we offer you overnight accommodation free of charge

After the initial interview, the relevant specialist department consults with the HR department. If the decision is positive, we will invite you to a trial day. On this day you will get to know the team, the tasks and work processes. At the end of this trial day, another interview is scheduled to clarify open questions and possible contractual details. It will also be agreed whether you or we will contact you again and by when the decision can be made.

If both parties agree, we will draw up an employment contract and send it to you for signature. If you live nearby, we can even arrange a short appointment at Marina Lachen to discuss and sign the contract together.

A few days before you start work, your supervisor will contact you by phone to provide you with information about your first day at work, such as working hours/clothing/etc.

Who do I contact if I have any questions?

If you have any questions about your application or vacancies, please contact our Head of Human Resources:

Ms. Melissa Mammele,, T +41 55 451 73 73

Does Marina Lachen respect the privacy of my application?

Yes, we guarantee that your data will be collected, processed and used in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection.

General conditions

At Marina Lachen, people are in the focus. Employees therefore enjoy additional benefits that go beyond the usual market standards. We also have an encouraging and "relaxed" working atmosphere, respectful behaviour and a flat hierarchy with a "you" culture across all levels. Together, we look to the future and take all employees on a joined journey. 

Various employment models

  • Permanent position 100%
  • Permanent position part-time
  • Seasonal contracts summer/winter
  • Hourly paid employment as temporary help in service, banquet service, housekeeping, kitchen

We work with a break between shifts (German "Zimmerstunde") in many areas, for example in the kitchen and in service.

Further training opportunities

The possibility of further training is examined on an individual basis by Marina Lachen together with the employee. The aim is to find a needs-based solution, which means: does the further training fit in with the work activity, is it suitable in conjunction with an internal job change, are there specific perspectives at Marina Lachen, etc.?

At Marina Lachen, we also organise internal training courses on specific topics, such as wine training, sales training, complaints handling, safety training and product training.

Subsidised adult education hotel/catering industry


We guarantee our employees a contractually agreed monthly salary. The amount depends on the professional activity or the area of responsibility and tasks. In this way, we create fair remuneration in line with the market. The collective labour agreement for the Swiss hospitality industry (L-GAV) regulates minimum wages and fair employment conditions.


We pay a regular salary and our employees can count on a punctual income at Marina Lachen.

Employee goodies

We believe that happy employees are the heart of a successful company. That's why we not only offer exciting tasks, but also attractive employee bonuses:

  • Generous discount on all our services - also for your 1st-degree family members
  • Once a year there is a big staff event, together as a Marina team we have an afternoon programme that remains a secret ;-) and in the evening we eat and relax together
  • Staff rooms/flats at fair prices in the neighbourhood, subject to availability
  • Discounted employee lunch
  • Discounted admission, restaurant visits and shopping in the region as well as hotel accommodation throughout Switzerland
  • School grade bonus for learning employees
  • Rewards for employee referrals

Feedback culture

We practise open and transparent communication with feedback, praise and recognition. We conduct probationary period and annual appraisals and are always ready to listen to concerns, requests and ideas.

"We are family" support in many areas

We maintain a family atmosphere - wherever possible, we support our employees in case of administrative challenges, for example: Dealing with authorities, filling out forms, family reunification, registering at the new place of residence, registering for health insurance, etc.

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